Thursday, August 19, 2010


Hey guys! Haven't been here in a while. :D Much updating to be done. Life's been kicking my ass lately but i plan to fight back soon. (its nothing too bad) :D Just a little something to tide things over.

Have a good one :) !!


Mike Terry said...

Life's been doing that to a
lot of us lately. Hang in there.
Awesome pic, too!

TH3DEN said...

Thanks Mike :D !! I hope things are well on your end.

Mike Terry said...

So, so. It's looking up.
One of the many joys of life.
But nothing to complain about.
Just try to live life's coolness,

Red White said...

Sucks to hear that life's kicking you down but awesome to know that you're gonna be kicking back!

Interesting image dude. It's like something you'd see as a camera slowly pans across a wall as you get a sort of ghost montage of a character training, perhaps while a story is being told about how they've prepared for the hardships to come. Or I'm just reading too much into it and it's a girl on a wall with the opacity down a few notches, whateve'.

Sauro Quaglia said...

Welcome back!
You're always on top ;)

Justin Rodrigues said...

Dude! Welcome back. Great stuff as always. Hope everything is going well!

Oscar Rosales said...

Hey there bud, welcome back! Great to see some new stuff! Don't let life kick your ass! Switch it around and start kickin' lifes ass! LOL :)

TH3DEN said...

thanks guys, lookin forward to reconnceting with everyone again :)

Red White said...

Hey dude, if you're looking to up your Guy game, make sure you learn his wall mixups. the difference between both dashes after he throws them towards the wall with his chain attacks to determine which side he'll show up on is dashing right away and waiting just a moment. If I remember right, dashing right away keeps you in front of them, dashing just a moment later makes him cross them up.

Kohyunu said...

At least your art is still awesome. :)

Keep up the good work Rag.

Shirley said...

I really, really like this image..and the it Mie? Wonderful. I hope everything gets better in your's great to see your post and visit!! Thanks for the kind words..I do enjoy keeping it positive..too many things to think of that kick us down, so gotta be on the upside, right? Are you participating in the Sketchbook project this year?

Khylov said...

Rainstorm or graphic design? Either way, I'm liking the effect of overlaying this on the character, like a filter. The green makes me think bamboo forest for some reason. Cool way you've got here to envelop the character in an environment.

How've things been?

Ang said...

ahhh love ittt~ where are your UPDATES HMMM :)

TH3DEN said...

Thanks guys. I'll be updating tonight this work week has been crazy barely have time to sleep. Thanks again! :)